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Positional Vertigo

Treatment in Days Not Weeks:

"Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo"(BPPV) is a condition affecting the Labyrinth of the ear which is responsible for balance. The treatment for this condition is called the Epley Maneuver.

The symptoms of BPPV include dizziness or vertigo (room spinning), lightheadedness, imbalance and nausea. Activities which bring these symptoms on will vary in each person, but the symptoms are almost always precipitated by a position change of the head with respect to gravity (getting out of bed, bending down, turning, etc).

This condition is caused by debris (sometimes called "ear rocks") which have collected within a part of the inner ear. Chemically, ear rocks are small crystals of calcium carbonate. The manoeuvres move these ear rocks out of the sensitive, back part of the ear, to a less sensitive part, abolishing the symptoms in almost every case.

It has been demonstrated that some 50% of the population will suffer from this condition, at some time in their lives but the cause is not yet clear.

If you present with symptoms of positional vertigo, visit your Medical Doctor first. He/She will exclude other conditions that could present with similar symptoms. When you are diagnosed with BPPV, you can book with us for treatment.

In many cases only one treatment is needed to clear the symptoms but sometimes more treatments are required. This treatment is a Physiotherapy technique and is therefore covered by most extended health care plans.

It is very important to get early treatment since prolonged suffering usually causes additional problems such as undesirable lifestyle changes and depression. We have been having phenomenal success with this technique and have been able to help people who have been suffering for years and who had almost given up hope that any treatment would help. For more information click here.

Vertigo Treatment Image Epley Maneuver